Front Desk Information | |
Registration Date | 09/17/2023 |
Your Name | Anisha Bhandari |
Your Email Address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Your Phone | (977) 986-0858 |
Educational Information | Diploma |
Applying For | Bachelors |
Have Given English Proficiency Test ? | Yes |
Which One ? | DET (Doulingo) |
Doulingo Score | 105 |
Preferred Country | USA |
Passed Out Year | 2022 |
Have Gap ? | Yes |
If yes, how many years ? | 1 |
Past high school/University name | Kathmandu School Of Medical Technology (CTEVT) |
Previous Grade/GPA/Percentage | 68.04% |
Application fee paid ? | No |
Processing charge paid ? | No |
Form Filled by (official use only) | Pujan Dhakal |
Counsellor Information | |
Counselling Done ? | Yes |
How many university he is applying ? | 1 |
University 1 | Troy University |
Have Extra University ? | No |
Which course you are applying for ? | Biology/ Biomedical Science |
Counselled by | Ujjwal Dhakal |
Documents Scan | |
Address | Sundarharaicha, 09 Sundarharaicha Morang, Koshi Nepal Map It |
Document Scan is LOCKED !! | Please ask student to pay Processing Charge to Unlock and Upload Required Documents. |
Application Manager | |
Are all required documents fulfilled ? | Yes |
From where his application is filed ? |
Application Filed By | Ujjwal Dhakal |
Visa Manager |
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